Hobonichi Stationery Haul

Writing a diary is like a promise for the future. A promise that you’ll note down the good, the bad and the utterly mundane so that you, 10 or 50 years later can flick through that year of your life allowing the memories to flood back and envelope you in a warm hug.

It’s a romantic notion for sure but what can I say I am a romantic at heart.

To help me document my 2024 I have invested in the Hobonich Techo, a diary from a renowned Japanese brand that is both beautiful and versatile which is exactly what I need as a seriel diary buyer who never quite gets into the grove of keeping one for the whole year.

Freewritting: A moment today

A farmer or just a neighbour is out tilling/mowing the earth with some kind of machine - I cannot see it; therefore, it remains just a machine, an enigmatic force of industry. The mechanical groan ebbs and flows as it comes and goes.

It’s been a long time since I’ve written…well written like this anyway. I have written some reviews since I lost my job, but it’s taken me a while to find my way back to pen and paper, or shall I say pencil and paper, for that is the tool I am using to put words to page.

I like the soft scurrying of a pencil on paper. It also feels less permanent, more fleeting, like life in general…

As I finish this small piece of writing, the whirring growl of machinery continues on for a moment before it ceases altogether.